A couple of quick visualization for ECHL fans as to where the season stands so far. The first visualization shows overall team performance, plotting Points Percentage (total points earned out of possible number of points) and Goal Differential (Average per Game Played) with Games Played (Size) and Wins (Color Coded) shown on one chart. Florida, although 2nd overall in the standings, has the best goal differential (on an average per game basis), with Indy (top Points Percentage) more closely aligned with Wichita and Allen in terms of their goal differential. Those 4 teams current serve at the top group of teams in the league, with Utah a notch below them and the others trailing from there. Fort Wayne just started their season, so their results are presented with only 2 games played.
The second visualization shows goaltender performance in the ECHL with Save Percentage on the horizontal axis and Goals Against Average on the vertical axis (with Minutes shown by size of the circle and Wins by color). Florida’s goaltending (Johnson and Hildebrand) has been excellent as has the goaltending of Brad Barone in Utah. Jake Patterson (Allen) and Garret Sparks (Orlando) have excellent Save Percentages, while Billy Christopoulos (Indy) and Roman Durny (Tulsa) are among the leaders in Goals Against Average. Matt Greenfield in Kansas City will be worth keeping an eye on as his stellar Save Percentage has unfortunately not translated into as many wins due to the number of shots allowed by the team overall.